Meet The Owner
DZO: Brian Erler
Most every professional skydiver tells a story that starts in the same way: “I was hooked after my first jump.” Long Island Skydiving Center Owner, Brian Erler, is no exception.

Shaken & Stirred
At 17 Brian saw Living Daylights, a James Bond film that rocked his world. Right then and there Brian committed to a life of skydiving and, true to his word, earned his C license before leaving South Dakota for college.
Mr. President
Skydiving served as the backdrop of Brian’s Purdue University experience. He packed parachutes to pay for his skydiving addiction, joined the Purdue Sport Parachute Club, and was ultimately named Club President.

The High Life
In the 1990’s and early 2000s, Brian was one of the top skydiving photographers and videographers in the sport. His work was published in magazines the world over, most notably his space shuttle photos taken in free fall whenever NASA launched from Cape Canaveral.
At the Helm
Brian made the shift from working at a dropzone to owning one. In 2003, he established Long Island Skydiving Center in East Moriches, NY and hasn’t looked back. Humble despite his many accolades, Brian’s reputation is excellent across the industry.

Experience Snapshot
Total Jumps: 12,000+
Freefly: 3,000
RW: 500
Camera: 6000
Tandems: 1
Accuracy: 20
Demonstration Jumps: 100
Brian’s at the DZ most days. If you see him, say hi and talk about his favorite thing: skydiving.