Best Time To Go Skydiving in New York
Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 2 years ago
At Long Island Skydiving Center, we believe that any time is the best time to go skydiving – but when speaking about comfortability, there are definitely some external factors to be considered that can greatly improve your skydiving experience.
One of those factors being weather, of course! While the best time to go skydiving is solely determined by personal preference, we have some of our own opinions that may help steer you in the right direction!
Best Time Of Day To Go Skydiving
One of the hardest questions we get is “when is the best time of day to go skydiving?” – but a popular question nonetheless! The truth is – there is no right or wrong answer, it is based on what you prefer.
When determining the best time to go skydiving, there are a few things to think about that will sway your ultimate decision. For example, the season you’re jumping in matters. In the late fall or winter months, temps are going to be colder in the morning – so you might want to wait until the afternoon as the sun begins to warm the Earth. Whereas, in the summer — you might want to opt for the morning to beat the heat of the afternoon sun.

As long as the weather is favorable, we suggest the morning time as the best time of day to go skydiving. (But really, any time is a good time to go skydiving!)
Here’s why we think the morning is the best for skydiving:
- Calmer Weather
The weather tends to be much calmer in the mornings. The air seems to be smooth, cool, and crisp. Not to mention, the sunlight shining on the New York coastline, Fire Island, and Hampton Beaches during this time of day is truly breathtaking.
- Less Crowded
Most people come out during the afternoon, which means less jumpers in the morning. Skydiving in the morning doesn’t just mean less crowds and shorter wait times, it makes for a safer environment due to less traffic in the sky!
- Start Your Day Off Right!
There’s simply no better way to start your day than with a giant cup of adrenaline! Skydiving has a way of boosting self-confidence and giving yourself a brain boost. You’ll be beaming all day long!
Our second favorite time of the day to go skydiving is at the end of the day just before sunset. You just can’t beat the views as you’re flying through the sky right at golden hour. Pure bliss!
Best Time Of Year To Go Skydiving
If you’ve ever been to New York in the dead of winter, you may already know how brutal the winters can get up here. These temps are uncomfortable and can be unsafe; that is why our skydiving season at Long Island Skydiving Center runs annually from late April to early October.
Any time during these months is a good time to go skydiving but if we had to pick, we would say that early fall or late spring are the perfect seasons for jumping out of an airplane.

While there are pros and cons to every season, here are the pros to jumping in the early fall or late spring:
- Less Crowded
As we said before, fewer crowds = safer skies and shorter wait times!
- View Is Clear
With the atmosphere being cooler, it tends to keep the skies more clear which means better views and less opportunity for clouds to build.
- Cooler Temps
Remember Goldilocks? It’s kinda like that. Not too cold, not too hot, it is juuuust right!
No matter which time of year you choose, there are ways to prepare for all seasons of skydiving!
Skydiving Weather Conditions
Another bonus to jumping in the mornings is to have the advantage of time in your favor. On the off-chance that the weather does end up being unfavorable, we have the rest of the day for conditions to improve.
Keep in mind, weather can be extremely unpredictable, we will do our best to accommodate you. However, if the weather conditions do not improve – we will gladly reschedule your jump for another time. Trust us, it’s worth it to wait for good weather!

The fair weather clock is ticking, as the temperatures are beginning to drop in preparation for New York’s frigid winters. Book your tandem skydive today with the #1 choice for skydiving in NYC, Long Island Skydiving Center! Or maybe we can catch ya next season. Blue skies!
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