First Time Skydiving Tips
Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 4 years ago
Skydiving for the first time, huh? How exciting! Your first time skydiving can bring on a whole host of emotions. So, trust us, if you are just as wrapped up in nerves as you are ready to take to the sky, don’t worry! Your feelings are just as valid as they are perfectly natural. But here’s a secret: knowing how to prepare for skydiving can help put your pre-jump anxiety to bed. And, wouldn’t you know? We have a few first time skydiving tips that can make getting ready for your first tandem skydiving trip easy peasy lemon squeezy!
1. Read All About It
When it comes right down to it, one of the best first time skydiving tips that we can give is to do your research, check the FAQs, and take a peek at the companies’ supplemental reading.
First, a quick entry in your favorite search engine can usually give you access to the ratings and reviews that a facility has gotten. This can give you a great deal of information on the dropzone you’ve chosen and give you insight into what to expect from your experience.
After investigating your selection, it is time to read through the frequently asked questions. Generally, this section is directed toward first time skydivers and will likely cover many of the questions you have. Of course, if you have a question that you don’t see answered in our FAQ’s don’t hesitate to reach out and ask via phone, email, or our contact form.
Lastly, take the time to glance over the blog posts. Topics ranging from what to wear to how to prepare for skydiving can all be found within!

2. Be Ready To Jump But Prepared To Wait
We have a pretty efficient tandem skydiving system here at Long Island Skydiving Center, but there’s one thing we can’t always contend with: the weather.
On a typical day, you can expect to jump about one hour after your reservation time. However, because skydiving is a weather-dependent sport–if there is inclement weather (in our case low clouds, rain, or high winds), we will delay until it is safe to resume jump operations. That being said, a truly hand first time skydiving tip is to be ready to jump but prepared to wait. This means bringing along something to do if there is a wait like cards, a book, or a game. Something to help you pass the time can help keep your nervous energy from bubbling over and keep boredom at bay.
Oh! And don’t forget about your stomach. There’s nothing worse than a hangry skydiver. Be sure to bring snacks to tide you over in the event you experience increased wait times.
3. Smile For The Camera
Your first skydive will be both the longest lasting and most rapid experience you will ever have. With the flurry of new sights, sounds, and sensations, it is easy to get lost in the moment, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Once the moment passes, though, you might be left wondering: what exactly happened? This is where a video and/or photo package really comes in handy. Capturing your experience on film does two things: it preserves the memory for you and your friends and allows you to relive the experience again and again. So, when you spring for that Skydiving photo and video package, do yourself a favor, and don’t forget to smile for the camera!

4. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
There’s no such thing as being too prepared, but there is such a thing as stressing too much over being prepared. Skydiving is supposed to be fun. Yes, it is a thrilling, potentially positively life-changing experience, but we repeat: it IS supposed to be fun.
Now, if that line of thought just doesn’t jive, it might help if you try to remember why you came skydiving in the first place, was it to challenge yourself? Get out of your comfort zone? Whatever it may be, let that be your motivator!
Either way, take the day as it comes, let the small stuff roll right off your shoulders, and focus on what’s coming: the adventure of a lifetime!
Ready. Spaghetti. Skydive! With these first time skydiving tips, we declare you’re equipped to get your jump on. Let’s get you in the air, post haste!
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