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Long Island Skydiving Center Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 7 years ago

Ever wish you could pack up the sky, wrap it in pretty paper and present it to your favorite person in the world? What an incredible gift that would be, no? Well, we have a happy surprise for you: You can do just that. When you buy a skydiving gift certificate for someone (whether that’s a friend, family member or significant other), you’re presenting them with the most inspiring experience they’ll ever undertake – a thrilling spin in the sky that you both gaze up at together. (And it fits in a stocking!)

Not convinced? Here are a few other points worth mentioning about the true (astronomical) value of a skydiving gift certificate.

It’s the most unique gift they’re ever going to receive

You won’t be able to predict exactly how they’ll respond to it! The moment they open it up and have a look, they’ll know that you believe them to be capable of the ultimate challenge – facing a wide-open sky from miles in the air with a smile on their face – and that you’re also sure they’ll enjoy it.

Life experiences beat “stuff” every time

Science has spoken! In a study conducted by the Cornell University Department of Psychology, it was found that experiential purchases – in other words, money spent on doing something – provided more (in their words, not ours) “enduring happiness” than money spent on having something. It didn’t even seem to matter what that “something” might be, as results were pretty much the same across the scale from moderate-value to high-value items.

The study gave us a peek past the traditional framing of possession, which surrounds the way a thing feels to the five senses (i.e. eating a Christmas fruitcake; squeezing a stuffed animal; wearing a diamond necklace). As it turns out, the most positive differences between “stuff” gifts and “experience” gifts are the differences in anticipation. The study discovered that waiting for an experience “tends to be more positive than waiting for possessions,” making the gift of an experience more valuable overall than the gift of a thing.

It’s a spring awakening for the history books.

Since anticipation is so important, dialing in just the right amount of it is the icing on the cake of your gift-giving experience. For that reason as well as all the others, a skydiving gift certificate is just the ticket. You see: The Long Island Skydiving Center is closed during the holiday season (it’s cold up here!), so as your recipient waits for the turn of the season and experiences all the giddy rebirth that the new year brings, s/he will also be enjoying the toe-curling anticipation of that upcoming jump when the weather warms up. After all: nothing illustrates the splendor of springtime more than a sunny day at altitude!

So – what are you waiting for? Put on that Santa hat at a jaunty angle and get ready to be the hero of the holiday season. We’re standing at the ready to be your army of elves! Contact us today!

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