The Biggest Regret: Not Getting a Skydiving Video
Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 5 years ago
If a picture is worth a thousand words, why waste any time struggling to find the right way to express to your friends, family, and followers on social media how epic your skydive was, especially, when can just show them with your very own skydiving video!
As it turns out, one of the biggest regrets for first time skydivers is not getting a skydiving video. Wondering what all the hype is about? Here’s a little information on skydiving videos.
What are skydiving videos?
Over the last few years, camera equipment has evolved tremendously and because of these developments, it has become much easier to capture footage in extreme places.
Cameras can be fitted to wrists or helmets and can clearly film nearly every moment on a skydive, which is pretty impressive when you consider a skydiving videographer would be freefalling at terminal velocity around 120mph from roughly one mile above the earth.

Skydiving videos can capture any number of things. Some skydiving videos are filmed by an outside skydiving videographer who captures meticulously planned skydiving performances and edits the footage he or she collects with music and video transition effects. Other skydiving videos are of “no plan jams” and personal edits of different fun skydives put together by weekend warrior licensed skydivers.
Though, if you’re reading this, you’re probably more interested in just what makes getting tandem skydiving videos or photos so special. Allow us to explain.
Skydiving Videos: Hand Cam
Our skydiving videos at Long Island Skydiving Center do not utilize an outside skydiving videographer. Rather, we gather the footage for your skydiving video from a special camera setup mounted on your instructors hand. We offer a media package where you can purchase either high definition video or still photos of your skydive. We also offer a package where you have the opportunity to purchase both!
The benefit of the hand cam set up is the ability to capture unique skydiving videos with an up close and personal first-person view of your tandem skydive from start to finish, which includes some epic shots of your ride under the parachute.

* Pro-tip: If you purchase your photo and video package at the time of booking, you can take advantage of special pricing.
If you’re still not convinced, here are two more reasons skydiving videos are worth the extra cost.
You only have one first skydive.
“Firsts” are inherently special. Think about it. A “first” is a moment in time that happens but once and, then, never again in the same way. You can never really replicate the feeling of a “first”. This is why such care is taken to capture them on film. How would you feel if the photographer had missed your first kiss as a married couple? Or what if there had been no one there to capture your first beaming smile as a college graduate? The point is important moments deserve to be captured.
Your first skydive is going to be an experience unlike any other. Don’t you want something to show for it?
Good times pass by so quickly.
Here’s the thing. Your first tandem skydive is going to go by really fast-as in 120mph fast. During the skydive, there is a flood of new external and internal stimuli, so much so, it may seem like the whole experience is over in the blink of an eye! Don’t leave with a forlorn face after one of the greatest days of your life, get a quality skydiving video and relive the experience with your friends and family again and again.

Lights. Camera. Action!
Book Now! We’ll make you the star of the show in your very own skydiving video at Long Island Skydiving Center!
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