What to Expect On Your Tandem Jump
Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 7 years ago
Want to know what you’re signing up for when you take that leap over Long Island with us? We do, too! We want you to know exactly what you can expect from us and from your tandem skydiving experience, so we’ve put together this handy guide. Let’s begin!
1. Plan to spend about three hours with us, more or less.
There will be some paperwork to take care of before your jump: a waiver, payment and registration. (Don’t forget your ID!) While you’re at the desk, you’ll decide whether you would like to have photos of your skydive, a video of your skydive, or both. From the office, you’ll bop on to the classroom, where we’ll conduct a short ground school.
2. You’ll meet your instructor.
Somewhere in there, you’ll be introduced to your experienced professional, USPA-licensed Tandem Instructor. This person–the captain of your parachute–will, of course, be your very best friend for the remainder of your jumping day.(Spoiler: Long Island has the best tandem instructors in the business. You can see it in the absolute confidence and professionalism with which they conduct themselves. We hand-pick ’em for that!)
3. You’ll wait for your plane (“load”) to be ready to go up.
General aviation isn’t as strictly scheduled as commercial aviation, so skydiving operations share the air with far more in the way of less-predictable traffic. There will likely be a short(ish) wait involved, for weather and for other logistics. Prepare for that! You’re invited and encouraged to bring snacks and non-alcoholic drinks along to make your time spend waiting time a little cozier (and keep your blood sugar on an even keel, to boot).
4. You’ll be helped into your skydiving gear.
With about 20 minutes left on the clock until your load is scheduled to take off, your Tandem Instructor will fit you into your jumpsuit, goggles and tandem skydiving harness. If you’ve purchased a video, your videographer will conduct a short pre-jump interview–so be ready for your close-up!
5. You’ll enjoy the ride up.
You’ll be scootin’ up to about 10,000 feet in our beautiful little plane–and that might just be the prettiest 20 minutes of your life. For the duration of that ride, you’ll be seated in front of your tandem instructor. When it’s getting close to “exit” time, s/he will connect the harness you’re wearing to the secure points on his/her harness.
6. The door will open.
It’s “go” time! While you’re in the door with New York spread sparklingly out beneath you, your tandem instructor will triple-check that you’re lined up correctly over the landing area and in a safe place to leave the airplane. Then, it’s your moment to soar! You’ll perform the exit maneuver you were taught down there in ground school and the two of you will leap out into the blue.
Your freefall will last around a minute. That minute has occult properties: It will feel like no time at all and forever at the same time. Freefall is incredibly unique, and deeply inspiring. This is why we skydive.
7. You’ll fly under a parachute.
At around 5,500 feet above ground level, our tandem instructor will deploy the main parachute. (It’s gentler than you think!) Once the parachute–which we call a “canopy”–is open, you and your instructor will be able to have an audible conversation. The ride will last from 4 to 8 minutes, depending on how spinny you want it.
8. You’ll make a triumphant landing.
Here’s another place where your ground school training will pay off: nailing the landing position. You’ll pull your legs up and keep your arms in as your instructor executes a “flare” to slow the canopy down to a safe landing speed. Once New York is underfoot again, you’ll have plenty of reason to hoot and holler and dance around the landing area. After all: You’re a skydiver now!
Well, that’s the play-by-play! If you’re ready to star in it–and we know you are!–then book your tandem skydive today. We’re waiting for you!
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