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Long Island Skydiving Center Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 6 months ago

Many people assume that skydiving operations only occur when it’s warm out, but that’s certainly not true here at Long Island Skydiving Center. Every season has its pros and cons, and the key to success is being prepared

Part of that includes knowing what clothes to wear skydiving for whatever season you’re planning to make the big leap. The name of the game here is to dress for success so you can focus on experiencing the thrill of a lifetime, instead of being concerned about the weather. Keep reading to learn about the tips we suggest for skydiving in all seasons.

Thrilled girl skydiving by the New York coastline

What to Wear Skydiving in Spring

Ah Spring, a time of blossoming, rebirth, and the promise of warm weather. Springtime actually represents a lot of what skydiving can bring into life: new beginnings, a bright future, and the music of chirping birds! Skydiving in the Spring is a great way to celebrate the changing seasons and transitions in life.

And dressing for Spring skydiving is as much of an exercise in adaptability as any other part of this unpredictable season. Layers are a fantastic option for dealing with the wide range of temperatures you might experience during your day with us. It could be chilly in the morning but sunny and warm by midday. You’ll want to account for that in your outfit choice and wear something that can accommodate both scenarios.

We do suggest that you stick with long sleeves and pants for your actual jump, though, due to the likelihood of cooler temperatures in freefall. A good rule of thumb is to don whatever you’d wear to the gym or for an outdoor run. Under Armour or other moisture-wicking fabrics tend to do a good job of retaining heat while keeping you dry and ready for action should things heat up. 

What to Wear Skydiving in Summer

You might think that the hottest season of the year calls for shorts, tank tops, and flip flops – and you’d be mostly right. Breathable, lightweight clothing is the way to go here. Something that will keep you cool in the sun and heat. Athletic shorts or pants and a T-shirt are perfect. You don’t want to overheat on the ground while waiting for the natural AC in the sky.

However, the one part of your summer fit that won’t jive with skydiving is the shoes – you’ll need to wear closed-toe shoes, preferably with laces. Flip flops and sandals have been known to disappear in the 120 mph wind of freefall, and they aren’t the easiest to navigate the different positions of the skydive with.

And don’t forget the sunscreen! While there’s shade at the dropzone, UV rays can sneak into even the coolest corners of reprieve. And you’ll probably want to be out in the sun watching other jumpers land while you wait. Make sure to protect yourself so that the only thing you bring home from your skydive is good memories, not a sunburn! 

What to Wear Skydiving in Fall

Skydiving over the New York coastline

Fall is similar to Spring weather in that it’s cooler and a bit unpredictable. Plan to bring back the long sleeves and pants, and maybe even carry a light jacket that you can put on if needed. Anyone who’s been to the Northeast knows that a cold snap can happen at the drop of a hat – best to be prepared.

You can even bring gloves and a hat to stay toasty warm while you wait, though the accessories won’t be able to come along on your jump (see: the previous issue with flip flops).

The important thing to consider is staying warm without creating too much bulk, so think layers. Again, products like Under Armour specialize in the kind of clothing that will keep you cozy without hindering your movements. Part of partaking in adventure sports is being ready for anything at any time, and Autumn weather certainly puts that preparedness to the test!

Pro tip: while fall weather can be finicky, it’s totally worth it for the views. You haven’t seen anything until you’ve peeped Long Island Fall foliage from a couple miles up. 

What to Wear Skydiving in Winter

santa skydiving

Not all Northern dropzones operate in the winter, and that’s for good reason: it’s COLD. But for skydivers who just can’t bear to take that much time away from the sky, the name of the game is layers, layers, layers.

Winter skydivers will start with a good base layer, such as a cold gear shirt and pants, and then wear thermals on top of that. Particularly cold days usually include a light-weight fleece or hoodie as well.

It’s especially important to protect the extremities in cold weather, so thick socks, a buff or other neck covering, and gloves are highly recommended. The big thing here is mobility – football receiver gloves are a nice, balanced option that offers insulation and the ability to feel and grab things.

And another note on shoes: boots may seem like the way to go for winter jumping, but hooks and eyelets can spell disaster as snag hazards. Footwear should be warm and rugged, but pose no threat of catching on the airplane or pieces of a deploying parachute. 

General Clothing Tips

There are a set of best practices for skydiving apparel, no matter the season. You want clothing that is fitted, easy to move around in, and made for physical activity. Loose items are a no-go, and all accessories or dangling objects, like jewelry, are best left on the ground. 

Even your hair can be done in ways that’s better suited for freefall. Long, loose hair will easily get tangled in freefall, so consider a hair tie or a bandanna to keep things contained. And that includes beards! 

At the end of the day, skydiving is a physical activity, so dress like you’re ready for some movement. Think gym or yoga fit, keeping it comfortable, and regulating body temperatures. You can check the local weather ahead of time, but always bring extra options in case things change! 

Now that you have your outfit planned, put it to good use! Book your tandem skydiving adventure with us today!

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