Can You Pass Out While Skydiving?
Posted by: Long Island Skydiving Center 3 years ago
Can you pass out while skydiving? Yes. Is it preventable? Also, yes. We’ve all seen videos of people not properly preparing for their skydive and being a little floppy-headed while hurtling through the sky. No bueno. These people didn’t follow sound advice on how to have a successful, fun and memorable tandem skydive, but you will right? Let’s talk about avoiding a case of the vapors on jump day, and what happens if you pass out while skydiving alone (or your instructor passes out?!).

How To Prevent Passing Out While Skydiving
Following these 5 simple steps will help you enjoy (and remember) the most epic adventure ever!
1. H2O Is Your New Best Friend
Skydiving is similar to any other sport, and staying hydrated is critical to feeling your best. First time skydivers can eliminate much of the icky feeling by keeping water on the go. Does this mean chugging three gallons of water right before your jump to make sure you’re super hydrated? No. Drink fluids as you normally would to help your body’s rhythm remain in tune.
2. EAT
Should you enter a hot dog eating contest the day of your jump? Negative, ghost rider. We encourage you to prepare for jump day by eating as you normally would. Nourishing your body helps to reduce all of those jump-day jitters.
3. Breathe – There’s Plenty of Air, and It’s Self-Serve
One of the best things you can do to control your racing heart and mind before and during your jump is to BREATHE. On the ground and in the airplane the energy is going to be electric! If you’re feeling nervous, focus on your breath. It’s something you’ll be fully in control of, and this will give you peace about the entire situation.

*TIP: Yelling as you exit the plane and in free fall will force your body to take a big breath in!
4. There’s No Pressure to Jump If You Don’t Feel Good
Are you reading this because you just cracked a couple cold ones and made a bet that you wouldn’t jump out of a plane tomorrow? Probably not the best thing to attempt the next day. It’s difficult enough to get out of bed and get a bagel after a long night, and your body would be pretty confused if you decided to take it a couple miles into the sky for a 120+ mph freefall back down to earth. As much fun as that sounds, it’s in everyone’s best interest to wait until another day; don’t drink and dive.
The same rule applies if you aren’t feeling your best for any reason. To make sure your skydiving experience is the best possible, it is advised that you wait until you are feeling your best. We want you to have a great memory of your jump so you can answer positively when your friends ask you, “What does skydiving feel like!?”

5. Don’t Hesitate to Communicate!
Do not be intimidated by your tandem instructor. If you don’t feel good on the ground, in the plane, or under canopy, don’t be nervous to speak up! Although you may think it seems silly to them, they have all been in your shoes. They’re highly skilled professionals who are there to make sure you feel comfortable and confident during your jump.
Once the canopy opens and the rushing of the wind slows down you will be able to talk with your instructor. If you don’t feel 100%, you can tell them and they will know how to mitigate those feelings, either by talking you through it or flying the parachute differently. And remember, keep those eyes steady on the horizon!

What Happens If My Tandem Instructor Passes Out?
Let’s remember that to even begin to think about strapping other people to you and taking them on a skydive you must have a MINIMUM of 500 jumps and go through extensive and rigorous training that prepares you for any and every possible scenario.
Although on the outside your instructor might act like the coolest cucumber of them all, internally they are prepared for anything. The backpack (or ‘rig’) that your instructor wears is so giant because it is holding two parachutes – a main and a reserve – AND a small computer called an Automatic Activation Device, or an AAD.
What in the world is an Automatic Activation Device (AAD)?
An AAD is a small computer securely fitted inside the rig that is designed to automatically pull the reserve parachute in the event that the instructor (or solo jumper) is unable to pull it. If your instructor passes out – or if you were to pass out while skydiving alone – the AAD jumps in and takes the reins. It is turned on every morning before jumping and is automatically calibrated to the altitude that you will be skydiving from. In compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration, all tandem rigs are fitted with an AAD. Most experienced skydivers who jump solo choose to fly with an AAD too.
Passing out while skydiving is extremely rare and is easily prevented. Book your jump and then bring your best self to the DZ! We can’t wait to help you make memories that will last a lifetime. Blue skies!
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